What is the emphasis on lettering on the tombstone
Tombstones are commonly used funeral supplies to pay homage to the deceased. Because death is a very heavy topic, many people don't know much about the funeral and interment industry, so naturally they don't know what to say about the engraving on the tombstone. However, ignorance does not mean that you can write as you wish. It is easy to make jokes if you do that. Tombstone engraving is very important, not only related to the traditional funeral culture, but also related to filial piety, so to understand the correct knowledge must be mastered. The lettering format of the tombstone is simply the position and size of the tombstone lettering. The location is determined mainly by the Dinglan ruler used for measuring the Yin house. Ding Lan ruler is one foot, two inches and eighths long, about 38.78 cm. The scale of Ding Lan ruler is divided into 10 large scales, which read: Cai Ten characters:, loss, prosperity, death, official, righteousness, suffering, prosperity, harm, and Ding, among which Cai, Xing, Guan, righteousness, prosperity, and Ding are the auspicious scales, located at 1, 3, 5, and 6 of the scale. , 8, and 10 scales, and each large scale has many small scales. For example, the bottom of Cai is divided into Fuxing, and the four scales of Wangcai and Dengke. We can put the Dinglan ruler from the far left or The left and right directions are determined by the writing order of the inscription. Generally, ancient tombstones are written from right to left, and modern tombstones are written from left to right. The position of the lettering must be kept above a good scale, so that you can The text of the tombstone is positioned left and right. Up and down positioning is different from left and right positioning. Up and down positioning pays attention to leaving an inch between the world and the earth. Therefore, when measuring the upper and lower parts, you must go from top to bottom. Reserve an inch before starting the measurement. Make a good scale correspond to the beginning of the text. If the text starts The starting position is on a good scale, so that the longitudinal direction of the text is positioned. The same is true for location positioning. In fact, the font size has also been determined during the positioning process. The engraved inscription mainly pays attention to three parts. These three parts must be very serious, because most of the joke part appears in this place: Main text: The main text is written very carefully. This part must be in the center of the tombstone and is the core part. In the honorific part, in terms of text, use the underworld name as much as possible. For example, the father should be called "Kao", the mother should be called "Wang", grandparents should be added in front of an ancestor, and high grandfather should be added in front of a high ancestor, an earlier grandfather , You need to join the generation gap with the person who erected the monument. For example, the tenth generation must add "Tenshizukao" in front of the tombstone. If the ancestors are famous, you can add the word "Xian" in front of the title. If there is no such name but there are many descendants, you can add the word "Xian". The body part should also reflect three parts: surname, first name and identity. For example, the more correct way to write inscriptions is "Ancestors Test Zhang Yu**'s Tomb". Date of birth and death: The date of birth and death is generally on the left side of the tombstone, and the arrangement is different. Generally, the date of birth is on the left and the date of death is on the right. The written font size should be smaller than the text. The date of birth and death is not fixed. It can be commemorated according to the lunar calendar, or according to the Gregorian calendar, and it can also be added to the commemoration of the zodiac. It should be noted that the hour is generally not written. Stele erectors: Generally, they are on the right, and they pay attention to seniority and the order of elders and children. Those with higher seniority are at the top, those with lower seniority are at the bottom, and those of the same generation are at the left, and the young are on the right. The stele erector also paid attention to the fact that different surnames are not on the stele, so son-in-law, nephew and nephew, and sons who are in another family can not write on the tombstone.
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Front writing of modern tombstone inscriptions
The need for mourning caused the tombstone to appear, but most people only noticed the name of the tombstone and some important information about the deceased. Few people understood his writing. However, this inscription must be well written and written in standard, otherwise it will make future generations unintelligible, so what is the particularity? The front of the tombstone is the part that introduces the deceased. It is mainly composed of six parts: the date of birth and death, the person who erected the monument, the middle part (the name and title of the middle part), the time of erecting the monument, the photo, and the hometown. After expressing these, basically the front inscription format of the tombstone has taken shape. The epitaph was originally made of bamboo slips and later on cloth. At the time of the burial, the eulogy was finished and he was buried with the owner of the tomb. There are two shortcomings of this approach. One is that the epitaph is buried in the ground, which is perishable over time. After more than a decade, a bunch of epitaphs will disappear with the owner. Another disadvantage is that even if the owner of the tomb is a celebrity, it is difficult for future generations to determine his identity and status. Therefore, the epitaph was slowly built on the stone tablet. Ancient tombstones have a limited area. Tombstones with a width of 40-60 cm are more common, and the height is not more than 1.2 meters. Therefore, the area for engraving the epitaph is very limited. A common practice is to set up another stone tablet next to it, specifically for engraving the epitaph. This method was not applicable during the Ming and Qing Dynasties when most literati were poor, so the epitaph was inscribed on the back of the tombstone to comfort the dead. The person who engraved the epitaph is a sage of the country, or has fame, or official position, or wise, or good friends, or helpful friends. Otherwise, no one knows each other, and the epitaph is just a laughing stock. In modern times, most people write on one side. In fact, the tombstone has two sides, one is lovesickness and the other is glory. Don't abandon the glory, but keep the lovesickness.
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How to write small tombstone inscriptions
In traditional Chinese customs, paying homage to the ancestor (ancestor worship) is a major event. The Spring Festival holiday is long. On the seventh day of the lunar New Year, before the ancestral grave, the ancestor should be informed of the year’s experience and major events and pray for the ancestor’s blessing in the coming year. Family harmony, career success, success. This day is also a good time to erect monuments and tombs. Modern cemeteries have been transformed. At the entrance of the cemetery, there are detailed cemetery and tombstone introductions, lawn monuments, ecological festival monuments, small monuments, large monuments, family monuments and so on. Among them, the small monument area is the largest, the name is "Tianrong District", which means one of the same glory with the sky. So how to write small tombstone inscriptions is also a problem. According to the different writing methods, the text and font colors are also different. I found a few representative ones for your reference. This stele is a joint funeral stele. The two characters "Anhai" are engraved on the left and right corners of the top of the stele. This is the name of the place, indicating the hometown of the deceased. Below is the word "顕". Traditions. The font on the lower side is divided into two sides, with the back facing the tombstone, the left side is the beginning of the word "kao", which is the honorary name of the child to the deceased father, and the right side is "妣", which is the honorary name of the child to the deceased mother. Under the test of the concubine, it is the surname, and under the surname is the name of "taboo". In traditional culture, children cannot directly call their parents' full names. Men use "gender" and women use "s". Continue down, for each name, at the bottom is a "tomb" in the center. This tombstone adopts a very traditional writing method with a relatively fixed format, which is the most commonly used writing method. This tombstone adds the word "民" at the top. This is the earliest traditional writing method, which is different from the different writing methods of officials, officials, merchants, slaves, and servants. In ancient times, especially in the Ming Dynasty, the son inherited the father's inheritance and the father was The blacksmith, the son must also be a blacksmith, the identity accompanies people throughout their lives, and the people are their identity. The hometown "Yanling" is engraved on the left and right sides of the top. Because it is for the people, it does not write "show" or "first". At the bottom, write the word "Jiacheng" in the middle. These two words mean tomb in ancient Chinese. In Fujian, Guangdong, and Taiwan, this is often used instead of the word "tomb". If one party is dead and one is still there, this inscription will be used. On the top, the word "common" will be engraved. Together, it means sharing. The common meaning is the meaning of the monument. Those who are not dead will cover their names with tape, and the text will be written in the same way as above. There is an elegiac couplet on the left and right sides: doing good deeds in life, staying famous for the ages, carved on the left and right pillars. This is the children’s stele. Under the porcelain photo, the name plus the tomb is simple, Bodhisattva, but the pain of losing a child is integrated into these words, as if it weighs thousands of pounds. This is the simplest way of writing. It is also commonly used by modern people. This is the ancestral tombstone of the Huang family in Ziyun, with the word "Qing" on the top, meaning Qingming and innocence. Above the name, Shaosheng and Honggu are aliases, and in the middle of the bottom is "ancestral tomb" In the cemetery, there are many tombstones of Christians. The biggest feature is that there is a golden cross in the middle. The integration of these crosses and others, like cultural tolerance, is open to all rivers. When I left, I was full of rewards. The art of inscriptions was too complicated and convoluted, too simple and too plain, and there is always regret. Perhaps Xidong is better without asking, sincere, no regrets.
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What stone sculptures should be placed around the tombstone?
With the improvement of people’s living standards, some arrangements for the deceased will be more comprehensive, especially the Chinese pay attention to filial piety. In the filial piety culture, the tomb culture occupies a lot of content, because filial piety is not only for parents, but for grandparents. Great ancestors, great ancestors, etc., all need to be grateful, and respect for these people is also a kind of filial piety. We can indirectly understand the degree of filial piety of future generations through the stone carvings near the tombstone. It cannot be said that descendants who do not display stone sculptures are not filial, but it is certain that stone sculptures placed next to the tombstone must be very filial. What stone sculptures should I put around? Stone carving vases: Modern people have slowly abandoned many bad habits. Many cemeteries do not allow the setting of firecrackers and evolution. Therefore, when descendants go to sacrifice and sweep, they often carry a bunch of flowers. Flowers not only have a good meaning in China. In the world, the custom of using flowers to sacrifice and sweep has become a fixed form. People will insert the flowers they have brought into the vase so that the flowers can be stored for a longer period of time. Why not use vases of other materials? Because the stone vase is relatively heavy, it is usually fixed on the side of the tombstone and cannot be taken away. Other vases are often at risk of being stolen or destroyed. In addition, the durability of stone-carved vases is not a problem at all for hundreds of years, and there is less trouble of later maintenance. Stone-carved candlestick: Candlestick means to light candles, mainly to illuminate the way home for the ancestors. Many places have such a custom. During the seven or forty-nine days of death, a candle must be lit in front of the tomb every seven days, so that the ancestors can find a new home. When the relatives go to the grave, light the candles and the deceased will return. Therefore, the candlestick is a must-have stone sculpture in front of the tombstone. Candlesticks and vases are generally placed on the left and right sides below the tombstone. The vases will be taller and the candlesticks will be shorter, so for the beauty of symmetry, the vases are more outside. Stone carving incense burner: incense burner, used for burning incense. Needless to say about burning incense, anyone who has been to temples knows that incense was first dedicated to Buddhist gods, because Chinese people widely believed in Buddhism, and slowly, people believed that people who passed away would also like incense. Incense is a merit. , Later generations burn incense for the ancestors to accumulate the merits of the ancestors, which means great good fortune. There is no place for incense in most of the design, so the incense ashes are filled with an incense burner. Generally, the incense burner is located in the middle of the tombstone. This is a stone carving work necessary for people to sacrifice and sweep. Stone carving table: The table is used to place tributes. There are many tributes in China, ranging from melons and fruits to chickens and ducks, including vegetarian food and meat. All can be used to feed the ancestors, and the altar is used to place these. Of course, modern table tables mostly appear in the shape of table tables. In addition to providing places for eating, table tables can also be used as study desks. The altar table is generally placed in front of the incense burner, and the tombstone and the incense burner are in a straight line.
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Martyrs’ tombstones are the best way for children to learn about tombstone culture
The cemetery for martyrs is a special kind of cemetery culture. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many martyrs have been buried here. Their words and deeds have set an example for future generations. Their stories are eloquent and moving. Here, we can find the most ordinary heroes, here are the cutest people, some of them are unknown, and some even have nicknames, but it does not prevent them from becoming role models for children to learn, because their spirit is enough to be Bear in mind. The tombstones of these martyrs are a good way for children to understand history, establish a correct outlook on life, and cultivate their patriotic qualities. This martyrs cemetery is located on the outskirts of the city. With the rapid expansion of the city, the nearby streetscape has changed a lot. Only the cemetery has maintained its original appearance decades ago. Although it is located on the side of the aisle and enters the entrance of the cemetery from the main road, you can hardly hear the sound of cars in less than 3 minutes. It is surrounded by tall trees and dense lichens. The sky is high and the earth is wide, which makes people feel like the sky is high and the birds fly. The sky is cloudless, and it is really a good place for walking and playing. Children run in the park as much as they want. For these children who have lived in the city for a long time, there is an opportunity for them to temporarily escape the air pollution and explore the mysteries of nature surrounded by green trees under this tranquil nature. , Is also a very rare opportunity. Every tombstone statue is telling the trail of life The Martyrs Cemetery is divided into two parts. The first tombstone of a local revolutionary martyr. The tombstones in this place are mostly square, and there is almost no difference in color from traditional tombstones. These tombstones are made of red granite stone. Red represents The blood and the red revolution, the engraved text is green, which means that the heroic spirit is everlasting. In the other area are tombstones with portraits of martyrs. They are mainly dedicated to the Wuchang Uprising launched by Mr. Sun Yat-sen in 1911. Most of the familiar names are Dong Chengrui, who bombed the bunker, Huang Jiguang, who was eye-catching, and Langya Mountain who jumped off the cliff bravely for the revolution Five strong men, as well as writers who started Chinese thought, Lu Xun, Zhu Ziqing and others. A piece of history is buried under the tombstone statues, like historical monuments, immortal. The tombstone is where the beginning and end of life meet. From these stories, children have learned what sacrifice, what is heroic, and what is patriotism, and they also understand the meaning and value of life. Although they may not yet understand the meaning of death, in this process, they approached the natural ecology, learned to respect the heroes who died, and took a compulsory life course. From then on, perhaps it is time to take his son to his father's tombstone. He always has to learn to grow up, not to be afraid of the tombstone, and to learn the principles of life from this trip may be the biggest harvest.
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Address:Huichong Road, Hui'an County, Fujian Province

